Primary Purpose

The purpose of the truck is to use Davidic style worship as a tool for music evangelism. This will be carried out in three fundamental ways.

  • We will go out to venues as a ministry and share the gospel.
  • We will work with other ministries together to accomplish this same goal.
  • We will allow groups to use the truck for outreach and events.  What we know is that God has given us this tool to spread the Good News and that is our “soul” intention.

We are very excited about this opportunity to do Kingdom work.  To the best of our knowledge Davidic style worship has never been used as a tool for evangelism.  Because of the manner in which God brought this truck to us, we know that He has called us to this task.  We also know that this is a very unique approach and that is why we are excited to work with and share all that God has shown us with others.

If you are interested in being a part of this outreach or finding out the details on how the worship truck can be used for your event, please call us at 770-222-5998 to speak with Mark or leave a message and he will return your call.